Why I love Pilates in the Cooler Months

Dominique Elissa working out from home

Image  /      Dominique Elissa working out from home

As the days become shorter and the air gets colder, I find it that little bit harder to find the time for daily movement. Although it is tempting to snooze my alarm in the morning, I remember that it’s my morning ritual that sets me up for a productive day.

Movement shouldn’t feel like a chore, it should be part of your lifestyle. By adapting your mindset, it becomes so much easier to stay motivated even in the colder months. Here are my 5 top reasons why I love Pilates, especially during Winter.

1. You can do it at home

These cooler months have me craving gentle and nourishing movements, this is why I love Pilates. I also love that I can practice from the comfort of my own living room, meaning I don’t need to tackle the cold air outside.

In order to hold myself accountable, I lie my mat out the night before and put out my activewear. When my alarm goes off, I don’t even need to think about it. I am organised and ready to start my workout right away. 

2. It can be as soft or as strong as you make it

Pilates is such a versatile training style. At home I have ankle weights ranging from 500g – 2kg, booty bands and hand weights. If I am menstruating and am craving something gentler, I opt for no extra equipment. If I am feeling strong, I will add on my ankle weights and bands. I love all the different levels of workouts on the HOUSE OF SCULPT platform and always listen to my body when choosing my session.

3. Just 10 minutes is a life changing practice

I used to believe that in order to be my healthiest self, I had to spend hours in the gym. Years later I have realised the importance of working smarter not harder. Just 10 minutes of mat work every day can improve both your physical and mental health. There really is no excuse for 10 minutes, no matter how busy your day is.

It’s important to remember that the hardest part of your workout is showing up. For this reason, by committing to 10 minutes your mind sends you less reasons not to. From my own experience, I usually commit to 10 minutes in the morning and in the end practice for 30 minutes because I love the way it makes me feel.

4. Movement strengthens your immune system

Movement is more important than ever in the colder months as flu season comes about. Regular exercise strengthens your immune system, helping you fight off infections.

5. It’s moving meditation

Pilates isn't just exercise to me; it’s moving meditation. Throughout the class I am focusing on my breathe and allowing my mind to focus there. I always feel calm and centred after I practice. If you haven’t started your meditation journey yet, this is a good place to start. Next time you're on the mat, pay attention to each inhale and exhale and let it guide you through the workout.

Winter shouldn’t be an excuse to not prioritise your health. Movement is an act of self-love and provides you with the tools to feel your best physically and mentally. Let’s stop with the excuses and practice on our mat every single day. 

If you are struggling with motivation and need a reset, HOUSE OF SCULPT has a 3 week Pilates challenge launching August 1. 18 challenging classes that you can take from your lounge room (no need to brave the weather!) plus a supportive community to help you stay accountable – you can sign up here.

You can read more about my love of Fashion, Health, Wellness and Travel on my blog and Instagram

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